What is Lipogems®?

Lipogems® is an innovative therapy option that employs a precisely engineered device to create an injectable tissue made from your own adipose tissue reserves that can be used to provide cushioning and support as your body heals.

LIPOGEMS® uses your own Powerful Fat to help you heal in the natural way. Your fat provides cushion and support to damaged or injured tissue and supports the healing process to optimize your recovery.

Top orthopaedic physicians use lipogems

Best orthopaedic institutions around the world trust lipogems

Fda-cleared system for orthopaedics and arthroscopic surgery

Minimally invasive procedure for the clinic or surgical setting

Strong scientific evidence and positive clinical experience

More than 25,000 procedures performed worldwide

Discover the power of fat for your orthopaedic issue

Adipose tissue is a versatile tissue that plays an essential role in various physiological processes. Several studies, over decades, have encouraged scientists to investigate the healing properties of fat. There are even examples in the literature of how adipose tissue was used in the care of soldiers during the First World War. So what have we learned from scientific research and history? That fat can help support the body’s repair of damaged tissues. In short, fat does not deserve its bad reputation and can be used to facilitate healing processes

Adipose tissue, commonly known as fat, has many natural reparative characteristics that help to promote a healing environment throughout the body. 

Lipogems® as a micro-fragmented adipose tissue can be used as an adjunct to surgery or as a minimally invasive procedure option in alternative to major surgery as an aid to the natural healing process in the support, reconstruction and repair of injured or damaged tissue.

Lipogems Applications:

Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle chondral lesions

Known facts about FAT

Who is Lipogems for?

Weekend Warrior
Busy Professionals
Everyday Athletes
Professional Athletes

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